Nick joined us for the third time as a volunteer and he has really made a role for himself within this group and our mentoring community. Thanks for spending another day with us Nick! We all appreciate that you’ve volunteered for us nearly the entire season.
These Raccoon Kits are really taking to the Explorers Club culture. They volunteered for jobs and we discussed the importance of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month and planned the moment of silence for later in the outing. Boys took off after Nick once again, as he transformed into a deer. And we all met at a trail junction.
This is when the group got into important decision-making skills and learned about the EC motto, Collaborate and Compromise. We took turns voting and expressing the ways we wanted to travel. Though nearly everyone wanted to go one way, it was important to listen to the one boy who wanted to go another way. In protecting everyone’s voice and giving dissenters a chance to speak, we grow as a group. In fact, the boys decided to heed this boy’s want and we planned to come back to the other trail later in the day- which we did. Great job, Raccoon Kits!
At this moment, however, the clock struck eleven. So boys had to put aside their differences and respect two minutes of silence together. Let It Be Known (another EC motto!) that we can always pause our arguing with others to mutually agree on peace, even for two minutes. This was a very powerful experience for this mentor and I hope that we can refer to it when boys have future, inevitable differences in opinion.
When this energy subsided the play began in earnest and we ate lunch together. Boys really got into the game Hungry, Hungry Marten and we played many rounds, in different terrain, and with varying rules too. The most important opportunity was to recognize that we can play games andminimize our impacts on the land. Ask your Explorer which plant we were supposed to protect. Even though it was ten days ago, perhaps he’ll remember. :)
Then we tried to stealthily steal Matt’s hat while he sat a distance away and called us out. It was fun to move slowly in the sword fern and stay camouflaged. Some of us found different fungi that we shared with others too!
Following the motto, Attitude of Gratitude, we ended our day with closing meeting and a Circle of Thanks. In the same vein:
Raccoon Kits, thank you for a great first full season together! It has been fun to spend time with you outdoors. You have explored the land and been good earth stewards also. You have connected to various trees and plants and braved the wet and cold to do it! We look forward to seeing you next season.
Parents, thank you for your support of these boys and this program. We appreciate getting to work with your boys and look forward to deepening our relationships with you and your families. Thanks for sending your boys out in the cold and wet to learn the lessons the land has to teach!
Please see more pictures in the photo gallery. We hope to see you at theWinter Solstice Gathering on December 14. Have a peaceful winter!
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